Author: admin

  • Shortcut to run previous shell command as superuser

    Old Procedure Most of the time when we execute a permission required command but we forget to add sudo at the start of the command then terminal throws the error permission denied So what we will do enter up arrow (navigation key) and enter home or continuously press left arrow key to go to the…

  • The Devilbox

    Introduction In past days replicating the development environment of one machine to another is difficult We can’t assure each system is exact clone of other system But by using Devilbox we can create a highly customisable dockerized LAMP stack No need worry about operating systems if all system have identical .env file then all system…

  • Tombstone

    Tombstone is the dead code detection library for PHP In our real life most of the time we use only 20 percentage of any application frequently So using Tombstone library (GitHub link: scheb/tombstone) we will check how to remove zero times or rarely called functions As a result our codebase will get slimmer and healthier…

  • PPT to PDF

    The above one line shell snippet in php script is used to convert the powerpoint file in to PDF file using libreoffice. The same command can be used for all the files which are able to open using libreoffice like doc, docx, odt, odp, etc., Shell command is enclosed in back tick symbol not single…

  • WooCommerce Installation Steps

    Login in to your WordPress Admin panel In left menu hover over Plugins menu. In sub-menu click Add New Once you clicked Add New sub-menu it will be redirected to Add Plugins page. In the Add Plugins page’s search field enter the keyword as woocommerce. For reference please see below image at the top right…

  • WordPress Installation Steps

    Download WordPress source zip from the following link WordPress Download Link Unzip the downloaded WP (WordPress) in your web server directory. For e.g. in Ubuntu the path will be /var/www/html/ Command to unzip in Ubuntu server unzip -d /var/www/html/ Once unzipped in your web server rename as your project name for e.g. Shell…