Tag: product
How To Limit The Cart Quantity Of Discounted Product
Introduction In this tutorial, you will learn how to control the quantity of the specific set of products based on a logical condition Here in this tutorial, we considered the condition if the discounted product added more than our defined quantity it will notify/alert the end-user but once you understand the concept the same can…
How To Add Quantity Input In Shop Page
Introduction This tutorial will teach you how to add a quantity input text box with the number type for each product in the shop page Something like this When a user clicks the add to cart ajax button instead of adding one quantity of the product it will add the quantity present in the input…
WooCommerce Custom Products Per Page Dropdown
Introduction In this tutorial, you will learn to add dropdown which controls maximum how many products to show on a page. This tutorial is the continuation of custom sorting tutorial We will add a dropdown with selection options 4, 8, 16, 32 and All to control our products per page logic We will add our…
WooCommerce Custom Product Sorting
Introduction In this tutorial you will learn how to add custom sorting for the product archive page Renaming the existing sorting option Re-ordering the option in sort dropdown Overriding sorting form template and add meaningful title for the sorting dropdown Quick overview of how to create plugin (Yes, all our customisation are plugin based except…